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Southern Cable Group Berhad Q1 2024 Profit Surge To 18.57 Million

Southern Cable Group Berhad Q1 2024 Profit Surge To 18.57 Million

Southern Cable Group Berhad Q1 2024 financial quarterly report recorded 18.57 Million profit before tax, almost 3 times compare to last year. The increase due to higher revenue growth due to sales volume of power cables and wires and adjusted average selling prices in line with raw material prices.

Jati Tinggi Group Berhad Q1 2024 Recorded 24.94% Net Profit Margin

Jati Tinggi Group Berhad Q1 2024 Recorded 24.94% Net Profit Margin

Jati Tinggi Group Berhad Q1 2024 financial quarterly report recorded 24.94% net profit margin due to the gain on disposal of investment property (other income) of RM 7.24 million.

Mercury Securities Q4-2023 Profit Before Tax (PBT) Decline to RM 667K Amidst Listing Expenses Impacting RM 3.9M

Mercury Securities Q4-2023 Profit Before Tax (PBT) Decline to RM 667K Amidst Listing Expenses Impacting RM 3.9M

Mercury Securities Q4-2024 concluding on October 31, 2023 profit before tax (PBT) down to 667k due to one off non-recurring listing expenses of RM 3.93 million. Without it, the Group would have recorded PBT of RM4.60 million.

Cengild Medical Berhad Q1 2024 Revenue 11% Growth vs Preceding Quarter.

Cengild Medical Berhad Q1 2024 Revenue 11% Growth vs Preceding Quarter.

Cengild Medical Berhad Q1 2024 concluding on September 30, 2023, achieved a revenue of RM17.60 million. This marks a notable growth of RM1.83 million, equivalent to 11.62%, when juxtaposed with the preceding quarter concluding on June 30, 2023, which reported revenue of RM15.77 million.

DC Healthcare Holdings Q3 2023 Financial Loss Due to Higher Administrative Expenses

DC Healthcare Holdings Q3 2023 Financial Loss Due to Higher Administrative Expenses

DC Healthcare Holdings Berhad Q3-2023 interim financial report showing loss with higher administration expenses in this quarter amounting RM9.15 million. The substantial administrative expenses included one-off non-recurring listing expenses and consultancy fees related to the IPO exercise, amounting to RM3.85 million for the quarter under review.

Oppstar Berhad Q2 2024 Recorded 36,31% Profit Before Tax (PBT) Margin

Oppstar Berhad Q2 2024 Recorded 36,31% Profit Before Tax (PBT) Margin

Oppstar Berhad Q2 2024 financial quarterly report recorded 36,31% profit before tax (PBT) margin, lowest compare to the past 3 others quarters which range about 40% to 45%. The decrease was mainly due to decrease in revenue from turnkey design services in the Q2 2024 quarter.